
1st june

09:00-10:00   Registration and coffee.
10:00-11:00  Keynote  Frédéric Henon, UIC "New methods forsafety demonstration in the frame of railway system"
(Chair: Thierry Lecomte, Clearsy)
11:00-11:30 coffee break

11:30-12:30  Session:  “Safe Interlocking” (Chair: Mariëlle Stoelinga, university of Twente)

Alessandro Fantechi, Gloria Gori, Anne E. Haxthausen and Christophe Limbrée "Compositional verification of railway interlockings: comparison of two methods"

Alexei Iliasov, Linas Laibinis, Dominic Taylor, Ilya Lopatkin and Alexander Romanovsky "Safety invariant verification that meets engineers’ expectations"

12:30-13:40 Lunch

13:40-16:10 Session  "Innovation in Traffic management" (Chair: Nadia Chouchani, IRT Railenium)

Airy Magnien, Gabriele Cecchetti, Anna Lina Ruscelli, Paul Hyde, Jin Liu and Stefan Wegele "Formalization and Processing of Data Requirements for the Development of Next Generation Railway Traffic Management Systems"

Rebecca Haehn, Erika Abraham and Niklas Kotowski "Acceleration Techniques for Symbolic Simulation of Railway Timetables"

Tom Peham, Judith Przigoda, Nils Przigoda and Robert Willen "Optimal Railway Routing Using Virtual Subsections"


      16:10-16:40 Coffee break


      16:40-17:40 Session ”Safety and new technologies” ( Chair: Alexander Romanovsky, The Formal Route Ltd)

José Proença, Sina Borrami, Jorge Sanchez de Nova, David Pereira and Giann Nandi "Verification of multiple models of a safety-critical motor controller in railway systems"

Carlos E. Budde, Duncan Jansen, Inka Locht and Mariëlle Stoelinga "Learn to learn HVAC failures: layering ML experiments in the absence of ground truth"

Gala dinner 19:30 ( The Gala dinner takes place on a boat named "Guêpe Buissonnière", starting at 20:00 from "Quai Anatole France, PARIS 7. – n° 12 Port de Solférino").

    Using the metro C from the station "Champs de Mars Tour Eiffel", it takes 15 minutes: stop at "Musée d'Orsay" station,  (it is  a 3 stations travel).

2nd June

9:00-10:00 keynote Juliette Marais,Univ-Eiffel  "Satellite-based train localization for safety critical applications. The challenges of performance demo and certification"

( Chair: Alessandro Fantechi, University of Florence)

10:00-10:30 Coffee break

10:30-12:30 Session "Safety" ( Chair: Anne E. Haxthausen, DTU)

Ankur Mahtani, Nadia Chouchani, Maxime Herbreteau and Denis Rafin "Enhancing Autonomous Train Safety Through A Priori-Map Based Perception"
Lilian Burdy, David Deharbe and Denis Sabatier "Assigning safe software-based systems to meanings"

Frédéric Badeau, Joris Lamare and Julien Chappelin "Generating and verifying configuration data with OVADO"

Franco Mazzanti and Dimitri Bellin "The 4SECURail Formal Methods Demonstrator"

12:30-13:40 Lunchtime

13:40-15:10  Session “ ATO “ (chair: Christophe Limbrée, Infrabel)

Arturo Amendola, Lorenzo Barruffo, Marco Bozzano, Alessandro Cimatti, Salvatore De Simone, Eugenio Fedeli, Artem Gabbasov, Domenico Ernesto Garrubba, Massimiliano Girardi, Diana Serra, Roberto Tiella and Gianni Zampedri "Formal Design and Validation of an Automatic Train Operation Control System"

Josh Hunter and John McDermid "Investigating Human Error within GoA-2 railways"

Francesco Flammini, Lorenzo De Donato, Alessandro Fantechi and Valeria Vittorini "A Vision of Intelligent Train Control"

15:10-15:40 Coffee break.

15:40-16:40  Session “safe and secured telecom for railway” (Chair:Juliette Marais,Univ-Eiffel )

Benjamin Rother, Frank Golatowski, Don Kuzhiyelil, Zeeshan Ansar, Stefan Resch, Prashant Pathak and Reinhard Hametner "Analysis of Safety-critical Communication Protocols for On-premise SIL4 Cloud in Railways"

Utku Tefek, Ertem Esiner, Lin Wei and Yih-Chun Hu "TASC: Transparent, Agnostic, Secure Channel for CBTC under Failure or Cyberattack"

 16:40-17:10  Wrap up and closing remarks.